Saturday, 4 September 2010

Noisy.......But well worth it!

Although at times the area can be rather loud due to its proximity to Liverpool Airport, Speke Hall Estate and Speke/Garston Coastal Reserve is a very good (and under watched) area. I visited this morning and found quite a few highlights, a female/juv Marsh Harrier was pursued low over the coastal reserve and the Airport by the local crows, Peregrine at Garston Docks, Sparrowhawk still feeding young, 2 Kestrels, 2 Common Buzzards plus a recently fledged young bird calling out to its parents on the Speke Hall Estate; proving breeding in the area, who would have thought ten years ago that Buzzards would be regular in parts of the city now?

Coastal highlights included a juv Little Stint, Greenshank, 5 Turnstones, 65 Ringed Plovers, 250 Dunlin. Passerines included plenty of all three hirundines passing through, Tree Pipit and 2 Yellow Wagtails over, Chiff chaffs mixed in with mixed Tit flocks, and a flock of 250 Goldfinches!

Other highlights included plenty of Southern Hawkers, Common Darters and Brown Hawkers. I tried my hand at photographing Southern Hawkers in flight - harder than it sounds, managed to get some ok shots.

Southern Hawker, Speke/Garston Coastal Reserve
Southern Hawker, Speke/Garston Coastal Reserve Things are certainly moving through now, AUTUMN HAS ARRIVED!

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